Dysfunction in the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) which is a large joint in your lower back connecting your sacrum to your pelvis, can sometimes cause lower back and/or leg pain. Dysfunction of this joint basically means that it is not operating normally. For decades, the sacroiliac joint was suspected as a common cause of low back […]
Sacroiliac Joint Pain and Dysfunction

This World Spine Day ‘Love Your Spine’ – Get A Check-Up

Every year on 16 October, people from around the world come together on World Spine Day (an initiative of the Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health) to raise awareness about spinal disorders and empower others to take charge of their spinal health. With an estimated one billion people worldwide suffering from back pain, it affects all […]
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AFL Injuries and Chiropractic

With the AFL finals being conducted this month we are certainly going to see some rough & tough footy as the 8 final clubs strive to win the 2018 Premiership. At this time many local competitions are wrapping up & the footy at these levels will just be as intense & many players are likely […]
Golf and Chiropractic – A Natural Fit

Golf and chiropractic are a natural fit. For years, golf back pain has been accepted by golfers as some kind of badge of honour. But now golfers everywhere are beginning to realize the benefits of having regular chiropractic treatment to treat their golf back pain. Swinging a driver or three iron at speeds of up […]
Technology and Children

Ninety-two percent of Australian children aged 5-14 years use information and communication technologies including computers, with increased use correlated with higher age. 87% of boys and 80% of girls regularly participate in electronic screen-based activities. As a result of this increased usage, Chiropractors are treating more young patients suffering from unhealthy computing behaviours, which can […]
Winter Sports Injuries – Reduce the Risk

Australia is a sports-loving nation, winter is a time when many of our most popular sports for both spectators & players are ‘in action’. Australian’s just can’t seem to get enough of AFL, Rugby League & Union plus the recent surge in netball, of course there are many other popular sports that most Aussie’s play […]