Health, Strength, Energy, Happiness and Love are all synonymous with Amit’s philosophy.
The principles that underpin his approach are:
- Providing the best care possible
- Helping his patients reach their optimum levels of health
- Enabling his patients more self-awareness through hearing and understanding their own bodies.
Amit subscribes to:
- The innate intelligence and healing ability of the body
- The inextricably linked relationships between organs and muscles
- The complexities of the human body and aims to unlock the hidden potential of each individual he treats.
At age sixteen, Amit knew that he wanted to be a Chiropractor. It was a soccer injury that introduced Amit to Chiropractic and he has not looked back since.
Amit graduated as a Chiropractor from Sydney’s Macquarie University in 2004, and moved to Toowoomba at the beginning of 2005 to pursue his Chiropractic career and broaden his professional knowledge. In 2008 he started his clinic, Head to Toe Chiropractic, in Paddington, Brisbane, and in September 2010 has developed Transformation Chiropractic in Brisbane’s Red Hill.
Between 2005 and 2007, Amit undertook and completed his training in Applied Kinesiology (AK) and Retained Neonatal Reflexes, Total Body Modification (TBM) and Neuro Emotional Technique (NET). In 2007 he travelled to America (Florida) to undertake his training in TBM. In 2015 Amit completed a 2 year diplomat in Paediatric Neurology.
Amit has a holistic approach on health and achieves great results using Chiropractic care which allow him to unlock the complexities of the muscle/organ relationship, cranial adjusting, Sacro-Occipital Technique and gentle manipulation of the spine.
- 2000 Bachelor of Science (Anatomy), Macquarie University
- 2004 Masters in Chiropractic, Macquarie University
- 2005 NET (Nuero Emotional Technique), Sydney
- 2007 AK (Applied Kinesiology) and Retained Neonatal Reflexes, Sydney
- 2007 TBM (Total Body Modification), Florida, America
- 2015 Diplomat in Paediatric Neurology (Melbourne)