Winter Sports Injuries


Australia is a sports-loving nation, as both participants and spectators. Australia’s mild winters mean that in most parts of Australia, participation in outdoor exercise and sports can occur all year round. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), over 60% of Australians participate in sports and exercise programs. The Medibank Private Safe Sports Report […]

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Healthy Spines


19-25 May, 2014 is Spinal Health Week in Australia. The chiropractic theme for Spinal Health Week 2014 is “Live Better, We’ve Got Your Back”. With that in mind, we are dedicating this month’s newsletter to spinal health. Our spine is a sophisticated structure composed of bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments. We can sprain ligaments, strain […]

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Osteoarthritis (OA)


We are all familiar with the term “arthritis”. Arthritis affects 1.9 Million Australians. Most of us know people who suffer from arthritis. In fact, many of the musculo-skeletal symptoms that we personally experience may actually be signs of osteoarthritis (OA). What is Osteoarthritis (OA)? OA is a degenerative condition that affects the joints. OA usually […]

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The New You


It’s that time of year again when everyone is setting out New Year’s Resolutions and unfortunately it won’t be long till a majority of people start breaking them. There are many reasons why New Year Resolutions don’t stick- they may be unrealistic, there is a lack of self-discipline or life gets “too busy”. Our New […]

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